Saturday, August 30, 2008

Universal Order Of Armageddon - Discography

Year: 1996
Label: Kill Rock Stars

The band that galvanized the myriad emo subgenres of the early ninties into a heady mix of art, chaos, and catharsis. Members went on to Skull Kontrol, Born Against, Young Pioneers, Wrangler Brutes, The Great Unraveling, Moss Icon, The Convocation Of... and on and on.
Short, sharp blasts of piercing punk rock energy, described by the band as "turning on a vacuum for ten minutes". They were an illusive crew rarely venturing from their home base of Baltimore, so their shows were legendary. A mix of early ninties Dischord and Vermiform Record's styles. 


  1. the vacuum description made me curious but unfortunately the file has been deleted.

    an awesome blog none the less.

  2. Can you add new DL link plz.

