Saturday, August 23, 2008

silverfish - organ fan

released in 1992

the band was from the UK...lead by a one lesley rankin (who also went onto to become a member of the band pigface for a short time)

the band could be best described as a cranky kim deal fronting L7 (the rest of the band were male)...they could be considered one of the first "riot grrrl" bands (their lyrics "hips,tits,lips,power" adorned many a tshirt...and also went on to become the title to a pigface song)

during their time together...the band released three albums and a handful of eps

they split up back in 1993


  1. Pigface fucking ruled. You should post some of their albums.

  2. We did...look back a couple of days, I posted Gub.

  3. Fuck this is brilliant. I had this on cassette ages ago and that things long gone, so this is something special. Any more Silverrfish? If so, y'should definitely up some more o' this beautiful racket. I mean, I loved Ruby, but this... And yes! Pigface ruled; remember the 'Bushmaster' off've Gub? It's one of my favourite things to feature David Yow's tortured mewlings.. so good.

  4. Silverfish were awesome and I still listen to them today. Essential items:
    Fat Axl LP
    Fuckin' Drivin' Or What EP
    Cockeye (Contains their 1st 2 EP's)
    I have all these on CD & ripped. Let me know if you need them. I also have the Silverfish With Scrambled Eggs EP too.
