Sunday, June 22, 2014

Art Of Burning Water - This Disgrace

Label: Riot Season / SuperFi / Swarm Of Nails
Year: 2013

Hey bro, let's blog.
Let's play pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, ok? But in this version of the game we put a heavy cotton sack over your head and start swinging on you with cricket bat. Then we spin you around to get you all good and discombobulated, and watch you try and find the donkey...across the room...that's littered with broken glass shards, cactus plants, and the odd king cobra. Want to?
Or not. Whatever.
You could just listen to this instead, I guess.  This sorta Ken Mode meets Kowloon Walled City meets Keelhaul meets The Great Sabatini meets Hey Colossus type of noise/sludge/metal/hate crime.


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Elephant Rifle - Dirty Pillows Mixtape

Label: Self Released
Year: 2013

Late to the Elephant Rifle party (first reported here), but making up for lost time. As should you. Unless you were "there, man", in which case, I apologize for "blowin' up your spot".

I like this a lot, it tickles my fancy in a few different ways. In a noise rock way. In a post hardcore way. And in a hardcore, hardcore way. If you too have any of these fancies, then prepare to have them tickled in kind. Hell, they even have the decency to cover the ONE good Rush song...the one that sounds like total Sabbath worship, "Working Man"!


Thursday, June 5, 2014

Strangulated Beatoffs - Days Of Our Lives

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